Hello, I'm Mark Thorne and this is my record shop. I've worked in seven others and have twenty-five years retail experience to make this your favourite place to visit. Fifty-three names were considered, until Hamish Hawk told me to get over myself and call it 'Thorne Records'. Whether you're a previous customer of mine or fresh to vinyl collecting, I look forward to welcoming you to the world's newest record shop.
There's romance in the ceremony of putting on a record that's such a tonic in this internet age. I believe the LP to be the greatest artform of the 20th century and like all great artforms, it deserves a little of your time. Time absorbing the picture sleeve in your hands, time poring over the liner notes, time waiting for the stylus to drop as those first crackles and pops welcome you to what will be a unique journey one side at a time...
So what are my intentions? No better way to tell you than in true record shop form; a list.
- Providing outstanding customer service. I want you to be happier on the way out of the shop than you were on the way in.
- I'll fully embrace Record Store Day as well as stocking 'indies only' titles all year round.
- Artists should get money from every record bought and I think you should too. 'Thorne Royalties' earn you 5% back on every penny spent for use on your next visit or save them up.
- If I don't have something in stock whether it is vinyl, CD or cassette, I'll use my retail wizardry to find it for you or reserve a copy when it's released.
- Vinyl shrink wrap is a massive environmental problem. To offset, I can 'de-shrink' at the till or you can bring it on your next visit and I'll take it to a specialist recycling point.
- I'm an independent retailer so won't sell my products with any multinational e-commerce companies.
- Thorne Records is my debut solo project, with my wife Lottie and daughters Marnie (7) and Joni (4) playing a session from time to time.
- I'll give a % of every sale to Multiple Sclerosis Society Scotland.
- My prices will always be a fair reflection of what I've paid. I'm here to make a living, not a fortune.
- You know your favourite records best. Please email with a review of your favourite LP and I'll print it off and stick it on the album so other customers can get tuned-in.
- I'm Edinburgh-owned, Edinburgh-run and part of a community so if I can support you in any way, please let me know; whether you're my customers, businesses around me or the music scene in Edinburgh and beyond.